
2014년 12월 6일 토요일

Mortals of flesh and bone, beware the rise of Robotics!

    Hello Mortals. It's good to see your cell aging moment by moment. Yes, it is you, made of flesh and bone, big chunk of moving protein, which will one day stop working and decay to be part of the earth. 
    Well I don't know about you, but I don't like aging. Aging means we are dying, slowly, nobody knows but one day eventually will, when we look at the mirror and realize how much time has flown and how much time is left.

    Life is so short right? Didn't really do much of anything but here we are busy living for what? As long as we are flesh and bone, no right answer can satisfy us. 

      But what if there's an entity made of steel and wire? just like what you see right above, Robots. Robots never age never get weak, they are always strong.
     Some people are just fascinated by these species, if we can call them species, and at least those people call them species. And we call 'those people' scientists. 

     These scientists are very excited these days. This is because Robotics is growing in a pace ever shown before! They say when the revolution of Electronics is over, the new era of Robotics will rise in the future. And the impact will be even greater than what we have with Electronics; such as Smartphone, World Wide Web, and all the other fancy gadgets.


       Honestly, Electronics is at the end of its growth. Lets say there are wearable devices such as Google Glass on the market for everyone, or Augmented Reality or Internet of Things easily found in our daily lives. OK, then what? we are still humans, we still die, we still age, will those gadgets stop us from death? They're just tools like microwave or refrigerator but a little smarter. 

       But in case of Robotics, there are tons of opportunities and potential. Robots stronger and smarter than human being. What is the whole point of being a human then?


      If you think this is just some SF stories that will happen decades after your death, You, my Mortal, are wrong.
 This robot is actually quite famous, called ASIMO. This is made by Japanese scientists, one of the leading country of Robotics. You will be surprised by what he can do and have done so far. This robot can speak many foreign languages although its a demo version, and soon it will be even better than us in few years. It can also serve beverages to the guests! even ask for any preference in stead of just serving orange juice all the time. Also this guy shook hands with President Obama and we all know it will never happen in our life time HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

       If you can't believe me, this is Youtube evidence. This is even from last year! Just see what it can do and be surprised HAHAHA

       They also made this little creepy robot that has Artificial Intelligence in the head. This one is a female robot that is closest to human so far. Still very unnatural, but some people think its creepy. The fact that its creepy means it is actually very like human beings. 


         But there is no need to fear weak Mortals, Robots are not our enemy, if we use them wisely. I know there are movies like IRobot or Terminator that kill people and make some sort of Robot World. But this is very humane way of thinking. Robots don't have natural violence in there system like us. They are not interested in concurring the weak just for fun or for golds, maybe because they are better creatures. Just look at that Robot. It's a nurse Robot! Look how peaceful the photo is. 


         And look at this cute Robot playing soccer with a ping pong ball. Does it look like a terminator and start shooting at us with its M-79 Grenade Launcher? Or A-57 Automatic Mutilator? 


        Of course Robots can be dangerous if we use them on that purpose. This Robot dog is developed by a research institute called Boston Dynamics that is funded by Google. This one can run even faster than normal humans with great balance. Well we can use them to transport heavy loads to terrains like mountains where cars cannot go, and we can put a machine gun up there and make a fear-less four-leg war machine. The decision is up to us, the humans, but it doesn't make Robots harmful. 

      Fear or not, regardless of our choice, the future will come anyway. And it is a good way I think, to embrace the future as it is and try to work something out instead of running away because it looks dangerous and new. Maybe some day Robots become like humans, asking for right to vote, asking for right as Robot beings, and accuse humans calling them racists, when they are treated in a wrong way. 
      It sounds weird, but interesting. Don't you?

    Well this is my today's post Mortals. I'll see you next time with more information about the future. And don't you forget the magical 4S 
                            Stay Safe and Stay Scientific

Images from Google Image

Information from a book 'Future of Human'


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