
2014년 12월 13일 토요일

Do you know why I call you Mortals? Thats because you die!

            Hello Mortals. Today I'm going to talk about a longer life span. We are all Mortals who have to die someday and go back to earth in ashes. But some scientists wanted to know WHY we age and die. So they conducted research over research and finally found out one of many reasons causing the aging.

            The picture you see up there is called Telomere. Actually the yellow parts are the telomeres. When our cell reproduces, this yellow telomeres become shorter and shorter which eventually make the cell unable to reproduce. This is why our body gets weaker and weaker every moment.

               But this means if we can find out a way to prevent our telomere to become shorter by reproduction, theoretically and biologically, we don't age. 

                In fact we already have a thing called telomerace which prevents the shortening of telomere in our body. But why do we still age even though we have telomerace in our body? That's because it's in dormant. Normally telomerace doens't become active. But it becomes very active in cancer cells and that is why cancer cells are hard to kill.

               Learning about telomere and telomerace therefore means we can also learn about how to kill cancer cells. This is one of the famous topic of today's science. Concurring cancer and cause of aging. 


              Let me give you an example of an animal which has an ACTIVE telomerace. This blue crayfish is one of the most popular animal with full-active telomerace. Theoretically this animal never dies unless some outer force damages its body. As it ages, it never becomes weaker like we do but gets stronger and bigger forever. Currently we have a record of estimated 200 years old blue crayfish and we even expect to see older ones in the future exploration.


                It has been known that phoenix lives forever. If scientists find out a way to active telomerase somehow from cancer cells or by studying blue crayfish, maybe human being will encounter a unprecedented golden age of eternal living. 

              Well this is the end of today's post Mortals. Maybe if this technology becomes popular I may not call you Mortals.


But until then, keep the magical 4S in mind and try to keep your health.


Images and information from website

Information from a book 'Future of Human'

Images from Google Image

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