
2014년 12월 10일 수요일

Hello Mortals. You think virtual reality is too vitual fo u? How about an augmented reality!

             Welcome back Mortals. 2014 is almost at the end.
Year by year, we see new technologies coming up. Its getting harder and harder to become an early adapter because technology development will outrun people's ability to understand new knowledge a some point. This point is called 'Singularity'. Smart people are expecting to have this singularity in about 2045 meaning, December 2014 is quite still possible to learn new stuffs!. 
            That's why we shouldn't get frustrated and subscribe Woojae's Future Blog HAHAHA. Today the post will cover a thing called Augmented Reality(AR). If the Singularity has not somehow came faster to ur brain, u would remember he last post which was about Virtual Reality(VR).


              Then what is the difference between VR and AR?
Well VR is the fake reality we created with computer program. Because we have lots of limitations in our reality, we had to create a new one from the bottom block by block which we can simply do anything we want. For example we cannot fly in our reality without any tools such as airplane or balloon. But in virtual reality we can fly like Superman or even faster than him if we desire. This limitless world provides diverse possibilities which I have posted last time, so if u  interested, go back to the list and click the VR post before reading this one.

             Then what is AR? Through VR we can do many fun and creative things but some people complained about the fact that it's a 'fake' world. So those people came to a conclusion : why don't we make a new reality that can be applied to our real world? So that goes the AR, which is based on our reality but with much augmented information feed that we can take advantage of. This provided a little different but also as useful as the VR. 

              Let kind and generous Woo Jae gives u an example. This picture is Daum road view, one of the early and basic form of Augmented Reality. Well Daum is a name of a company so don't need to worry about that. What u wanna focus is the 'road view' part. Some of u already know what it is, it is a 3D road map that tells you where to head in order to reach ur destination. 

             We surely had 'maps' even in fifteen century, but it was a schematized information. This means that we had to learn the symbols or languages that are used to describe the map and 'interpret' the information. For example when we go to foreign countries like Hawaii for vacation, we get a map. But we can't read the description if we don't speak English, we can't understand the symbols if there is no 'Legend' section. We don't know which way is North if there's no compass picture, although in most cases the North is the top of the map. 

            But in AR, everything is so easier and simpler. Although we still have to know how to read Korean in that picture, but at least we all know which arrow is pointing where. It is 3D footage, so we can compare the buildings or landmarks to locate our location. Keep in mind that the picture is the 'early' and 'basic' form. 

               Then lets talk about some more upgraded version of AR. This one is called 'AR virtual fitting'. Isn' it annoying to wear clothes before buying it or is it just me being a guy? Well at least for me, wearing clothes is such a boring thing to do and fitting room chokes me. But with this mirror, u can try many clothes without actually wearing them. How convenient technology. 

               This SiFi stuff is called 'Sixsense'. As u can see there is nothing on the guy's hand but a projected keypad. Amazingly, if u press the number, it will actually work. Nobody will need remote controls or even cell phones once this is commercialized. It would be fun to watch people talking to his palm instead of his phone. Maybe our kids would laugh at our phones just like us laugh at those old-giant-tank analogue phones in the past. 

             Maybe this will be our future of AG. Infinite possibility is ahead of us. OK? Mortals?

Never forget the 4S amigos
          Stay Safe and Stay Scientific          

Images from Google Image

Information from a book 'Future of Human'


Information from a website 

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