
2014년 12월 13일 토요일

Hello Mortals, Let me give you a god's technology. 3D Printer!

         Well Hello there Mortals? Are you having a wonderful life as Mortals? You know when Mortals have hard time buying stuffs in the supermarkets, Gods just manage to create one with a blink of an eye.

         Of course we can't make anything with eyes because we r just Mortals. But we have a wonderful technology that can create whatever we want, although it takes something more than blinking an eye.


             This is called 3D printer! We all know that we can print out documents or something that is on a paper. But what if we can also print out whatever we want? Say a hamburger?

       Everyone was amazed when they actually printed a hamburger with 3D printer. This is by all means a hamburger that didn't have to kill any animals to make one. If this technology prevails, maybe in the future we don't need to go to Burger King for hamburgers. Instead, we can print it out whenever we want if we have this printer!


         Then lets find out how this wonderful machine can do this wonderful work. 3D printer is a layout worker. It makes thousands of small pieces of layouts to create a final product we programmed in the computer. With enough ingredient juiced into a fuel box, literally anything can be layed out. 

            Do you remember my previous post about prosthetic limbs? Well this mighty 3D printer can even print out prosthetic limbs! What this man is wearing is one of the kind.
It can also print out organs such as kidneys or lungs for those people who need donation.

           Imagine how wonderful our world will become if this technology is as popular as smartphones! A lot of industries will undergo unprecedented game changing shifts and things will be much more exciting.

           Well this is today's post Mortals. Hope you enjoyed the future technology of today. HAHA 

Always keep the magical 4S in ur minds
Stay Safe and Stay Scientific


Images from Google Image

Information from a book ' Physics of the Future'

Image and Information from websites

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