
2014년 12월 14일 일요일

Hello Mortals, Are you satisfied with your house?

           Well Hello Mortals, are you satisfied with your home?
Isn't too small and apartment and not smart enough to support you like personal butler? 

          Well in the future home, you can make your home to serve you like a butler.

           Lets look at this refrigerator. Well it doesn't look like one but it is. This weirdo with full of screens provide diverse convenient services!

            The user is trying to press In button over there to find out what is in the refrigerator, and there is a little music box right next to that.


                She manages to find a red wine but also finds out that it was the last one. So she tries to buy some more red wines and lets look at how she shops.

                She just write red wine, on the screen and the smart refrigerator somehow understands her terrible writing and show this screen.

                Hey, master, there is Red Wine for you, says the refrigerator. The user presses the button to buy more red wines. Maybe she loves red wines.

              How about payment? surprisingly, she doesn't need to go through serious complex procedure but just press her thumb on the screen and job done.

             Did you see how simple it is to do things in the future home? Actually that technology is what i have mentioned before. Do you remember internet of things? If that 'thing' is your refrigerator, if that 'thing' is any furniture in your house, than you house is a well enough smart future house ma bro.

          i want to live in that kind of house just you do but unfortunately we have to wait until IoT becomes popular. Until than, lets be bros and remember the magical 4S
Stay Safe, and Stay Scientific



Images from Youtube video

Hello Mortals, I guess you hate traffic jam as I do

           You know Mortals, I HATE traffic jam. This is so useless time waste in my life that I have to be stuck in this full of carbon dioxide for hours of hours just to go back home.

           Fortunately I wasn't the only one who HATES traffic jam. And some of them were smart enough to make a thing called V2X

            V2X stands for Vehicle to Everything. This is a broad auto-driving system that makes every traffic into utmost-efficient form. With this, no one needs to worry about any accidents or cars intercepting which eventually cause traffic jam. 

           As you can see, there will be smart sensors or say computers in every vehicles like they have tires today, and they will communicate with a control tower which will also be a computer. No human will interfere the driving process except for some engineers in case of malfunctioning. 

           Thanks to this, there will be less accidents because the control tower will be aware of every situation on the road which will prevent further possible accidents that can lead to much bigger tragedies. 


            This is good for the drivers because they can do many things during moving instead of getting pissed off by heavy traffic. Think how efficient it will become if this technology prevails. High ways will become much safer, faster, cost-efficient area. Truly, an evolution of human transportation.

           But unfortunately it will take some time to commercialize this wonderful technology because of a traffic law. Since the driver is not technically DRIVING the car, judges will have hard time punishing who if there is an accident. Before we evolve our law system along to the technology, we won't see this system on our high ways.

         Thank you for visiting my blog guys, and don't forget the 4S yo

Stay Safe and Stay Scientific

HAHA it was nice meeting you 

Hope I meet you again someday 





Images from Google Image

Information from websites

Take off your analogue clothes Mortals. Its time to wear computers now!

                 Why are you wearing that analogue clothes Mortals?
If you want to be a true subscriber of my Future Blog, you gotta take that off and wear COMPUTERS!

            But what do I mean by wearing computers? Well it basically means wearable devices in general term. Everyone know what wearable devices are? They are smart items that we can wear and do many things that we currently do with smart phones. Smart phones are quite handy, but technically we don't wear phones do we?


                 So our beloved scientists and engineers made a new era of Electronics, by introducing wearable devices! As you can see in the picture, all those items they are wearing assist our life style in smarter ways.

                Lets find out what exactly are there for us to use!

             This is one of the most famous one, Google Glass. We actually 'wear' glasses right? So some smart people managed to attach computers on glasses and there goes Google Glass. This beauty can do many things such as checking temperatures, confirming schedules through customized calenders, real time navigation system, translation system, you name it and they'll add it.

             Well it doens't always have to be a glasses, people wear accessories too! There are many smart jewelries that we can connect to our phones or laptops and enjoy more convenient interface. For example if there is a phone call but your phone is deep inside somewhere in your bag and you are in the middle of driving, you can easily connect your phone and a bracelet and answer the call.

               This one is more practical, you can check your pulse or how much water u need after a work out by just wearing it on your arm. 

              Just like the other posts I made, and it is funny to keep repeating that these technologies are gonna be the trend, but it is a fact that a lot of new industries are thriving around wearable technology. Why don't you try your business if you dare?

             Hope you enjoyed this post as much as the others, and don't forget the 4S which I don't really need to repeat do I? HAHAHAHA





Images from Google Image

Image and information from websites

2014년 12월 13일 토요일

Do you know why I call you Mortals? Thats because you die!

            Hello Mortals. Today I'm going to talk about a longer life span. We are all Mortals who have to die someday and go back to earth in ashes. But some scientists wanted to know WHY we age and die. So they conducted research over research and finally found out one of many reasons causing the aging.

            The picture you see up there is called Telomere. Actually the yellow parts are the telomeres. When our cell reproduces, this yellow telomeres become shorter and shorter which eventually make the cell unable to reproduce. This is why our body gets weaker and weaker every moment.

               But this means if we can find out a way to prevent our telomere to become shorter by reproduction, theoretically and biologically, we don't age. 

                In fact we already have a thing called telomerace which prevents the shortening of telomere in our body. But why do we still age even though we have telomerace in our body? That's because it's in dormant. Normally telomerace doens't become active. But it becomes very active in cancer cells and that is why cancer cells are hard to kill.

               Learning about telomere and telomerace therefore means we can also learn about how to kill cancer cells. This is one of the famous topic of today's science. Concurring cancer and cause of aging. 


              Let me give you an example of an animal which has an ACTIVE telomerace. This blue crayfish is one of the most popular animal with full-active telomerace. Theoretically this animal never dies unless some outer force damages its body. As it ages, it never becomes weaker like we do but gets stronger and bigger forever. Currently we have a record of estimated 200 years old blue crayfish and we even expect to see older ones in the future exploration.


                It has been known that phoenix lives forever. If scientists find out a way to active telomerase somehow from cancer cells or by studying blue crayfish, maybe human being will encounter a unprecedented golden age of eternal living. 

              Well this is the end of today's post Mortals. Maybe if this technology becomes popular I may not call you Mortals.


But until then, keep the magical 4S in mind and try to keep your health.


Images and information from website

Information from a book 'Future of Human'

Images from Google Image

Hello Mortals, Let me give you a god's technology. 3D Printer!

         Well Hello there Mortals? Are you having a wonderful life as Mortals? You know when Mortals have hard time buying stuffs in the supermarkets, Gods just manage to create one with a blink of an eye.

         Of course we can't make anything with eyes because we r just Mortals. But we have a wonderful technology that can create whatever we want, although it takes something more than blinking an eye.


             This is called 3D printer! We all know that we can print out documents or something that is on a paper. But what if we can also print out whatever we want? Say a hamburger?

       Everyone was amazed when they actually printed a hamburger with 3D printer. This is by all means a hamburger that didn't have to kill any animals to make one. If this technology prevails, maybe in the future we don't need to go to Burger King for hamburgers. Instead, we can print it out whenever we want if we have this printer!


         Then lets find out how this wonderful machine can do this wonderful work. 3D printer is a layout worker. It makes thousands of small pieces of layouts to create a final product we programmed in the computer. With enough ingredient juiced into a fuel box, literally anything can be layed out. 

            Do you remember my previous post about prosthetic limbs? Well this mighty 3D printer can even print out prosthetic limbs! What this man is wearing is one of the kind.
It can also print out organs such as kidneys or lungs for those people who need donation.

           Imagine how wonderful our world will become if this technology is as popular as smartphones! A lot of industries will undergo unprecedented game changing shifts and things will be much more exciting.

           Well this is today's post Mortals. Hope you enjoyed the future technology of today. HAHA 

Always keep the magical 4S in ur minds
Stay Safe and Stay Scientific


Images from Google Image

Information from a book ' Physics of the Future'

Image and Information from websites

2014년 12월 10일 수요일

Hello Mortals. Lets be friends with 'things'

                 Hello Mortals. Do you guys know what IoT is?
This stands for Internet of Things meaning a network of 'things' we use every day.

            Why do u mean by things? All those fancy Si Fi thingy we see in the movie?!?!?!?!?!

           Nah actually they mean the normal things like TV, refrigerator, microwave, sofa, those kinda stuffs. Then what does it mean by connecting them online? and what is the whole point of that work?


            Well my Mortal, it means EVERYTHING.
Think about what we can do with internet these days. We can reserve restaurants or movies with our phones, access social media and share information, upload or see videos with them, make an online platform such as online game and socialize,... etc.

           But all these are currently limited to computers, phones or lap tops. Right? but what if there is online interface in every stuff u touch? 

            For example, this one is IoT applied on MIT bathroom. The sensor network system provides live information feed on which bathroom is currently empty. This will be useful for VERY urgent students. HAHAHAHAHA

           This one is good for the dog lovers. The necklace on the dog is connected to the owner's phone, and gives a message when something is wrong about he dog's condition such as heat or cold. 

            Take a look at this one if your heart is unhealthy. A little device attached on the heart gives life feed to the doctors to check up their patients easily. 

   IoT can literally be applied to ANY thing you see on earth. Maybe someday u can be very creative and just utilize this technology in ur own way, suit to ur own life style. 
Then u will be glad that u've read this blog and learned about this fantastic technology ahead of its commercialization. HAHAHAHAHA

U know what Im gonna say.
Stay Safe, Stay Scientific

Images from Google Image
Information from a book 'Future of Human'

Hello Mortals. You think virtual reality is too vitual fo u? How about an augmented reality!

             Welcome back Mortals. 2014 is almost at the end.
Year by year, we see new technologies coming up. Its getting harder and harder to become an early adapter because technology development will outrun people's ability to understand new knowledge a some point. This point is called 'Singularity'. Smart people are expecting to have this singularity in about 2045 meaning, December 2014 is quite still possible to learn new stuffs!. 
            That's why we shouldn't get frustrated and subscribe Woojae's Future Blog HAHAHA. Today the post will cover a thing called Augmented Reality(AR). If the Singularity has not somehow came faster to ur brain, u would remember he last post which was about Virtual Reality(VR).


              Then what is the difference between VR and AR?
Well VR is the fake reality we created with computer program. Because we have lots of limitations in our reality, we had to create a new one from the bottom block by block which we can simply do anything we want. For example we cannot fly in our reality without any tools such as airplane or balloon. But in virtual reality we can fly like Superman or even faster than him if we desire. This limitless world provides diverse possibilities which I have posted last time, so if u  interested, go back to the list and click the VR post before reading this one.

             Then what is AR? Through VR we can do many fun and creative things but some people complained about the fact that it's a 'fake' world. So those people came to a conclusion : why don't we make a new reality that can be applied to our real world? So that goes the AR, which is based on our reality but with much augmented information feed that we can take advantage of. This provided a little different but also as useful as the VR. 

              Let kind and generous Woo Jae gives u an example. This picture is Daum road view, one of the early and basic form of Augmented Reality. Well Daum is a name of a company so don't need to worry about that. What u wanna focus is the 'road view' part. Some of u already know what it is, it is a 3D road map that tells you where to head in order to reach ur destination. 

             We surely had 'maps' even in fifteen century, but it was a schematized information. This means that we had to learn the symbols or languages that are used to describe the map and 'interpret' the information. For example when we go to foreign countries like Hawaii for vacation, we get a map. But we can't read the description if we don't speak English, we can't understand the symbols if there is no 'Legend' section. We don't know which way is North if there's no compass picture, although in most cases the North is the top of the map. 

            But in AR, everything is so easier and simpler. Although we still have to know how to read Korean in that picture, but at least we all know which arrow is pointing where. It is 3D footage, so we can compare the buildings or landmarks to locate our location. Keep in mind that the picture is the 'early' and 'basic' form. 

               Then lets talk about some more upgraded version of AR. This one is called 'AR virtual fitting'. Isn' it annoying to wear clothes before buying it or is it just me being a guy? Well at least for me, wearing clothes is such a boring thing to do and fitting room chokes me. But with this mirror, u can try many clothes without actually wearing them. How convenient technology. 

               This SiFi stuff is called 'Sixsense'. As u can see there is nothing on the guy's hand but a projected keypad. Amazingly, if u press the number, it will actually work. Nobody will need remote controls or even cell phones once this is commercialized. It would be fun to watch people talking to his palm instead of his phone. Maybe our kids would laugh at our phones just like us laugh at those old-giant-tank analogue phones in the past. 

             Maybe this will be our future of AG. Infinite possibility is ahead of us. OK? Mortals?

Never forget the 4S amigos
          Stay Safe and Stay Scientific          

Images from Google Image

Information from a book 'Future of Human'


Information from a website 

2014년 12월 7일 일요일

Hello Mortals. I brought a reality that perfectly suits ur taste!!!

                   Good afternoon Mortals! Is your boring world still running in one piece? OR do u want to runaway from this hopeless dairly routine and find something that stimulates your neeeeeerrrrrve???????

           Well I understand. I know all about you Mortals. Thats why I brought a post about virtual reality!!!!!!

            Virtual reality is a fake reality created by geniouses.
It is a digital world that surrounds you once you are in. The device fools your brain to confuse that you are actually warped from one place to another, providing a brand new reality that can do whatever you want, unlike the reality where most of us are just common Mortals.
             Doesn't it sound wonderful? To have a reality that replaces our world? Why take chances and risks to change our world when we can just create our world in a small goggle?


            Virtual Reality, in short VR is the next trend of generation, well just like all the others I've posted. Many engineers are looking forward to use this technology in various fields, in gaming, sports, training, or even doctor's surgery simulation which no one has to die even if the doctor fails.
            Today, I want to show you several devices we currently have on VR. Yet VR is not fully completed, but even what we have already can surprise you from your toe. HAHA

          Well lets start from gaming. This device is called the 'Oculus Rift' a closest thing we have to the VR. So far when we play games, we had to see through the 2D monitor in front of us through our characters even if the game is in first-person view. But with this beauty, you can actually get 'into' the world and look around just like a character. Literally speaking, if you move ur head and look back when the character is facing against a castle, you WILL see a castle right behind you. If your character falls from a high position, you will feel all those dizziness, fear, reality that a real person falling.(Of course not the air pressure and you won't die even if your character splash into pieces)
          There are already many videos of the Youtubers who are amazed with Oculus Rift. They ride roller coasters, play scary games, explore deep oceans without oxygen mask, sail pacific ocean with a small piece of wooden boat with a radio on. Let me give you few of them and you can also find more if you r interested. Just type in Oculus Rift on Youtube.

               Oculus Rift is currently undergoing final testing before commercial release which kills people like me who are eager to buy one and be a couch potato. Maybe those engineers are actually helping me to live a normal life. But you can still buy the testing version in somewhere but not in Korea. Im not really sure about that info.

               The next one I want to talk about is a simulation technology introduce by Stephan Hawking. This program is called Stephan Hawking's future science or future technology. They are all in Youtube, go check it out if you want to see all 6 episodes of them. What I want to show you is the first episode, which is about the VR.

              As you see in the video, the woman goes to some military base where soldiers train hostage simulation situations. Although a little shoddy, this is very similar to what we saw in SF movies. They gather around in a large area where simulation is going to take place, and attach some sensors that creates virtual avatar of themselves. Then they start training the hostage situation in full surrounding, no one has to die or be killed.

              Of course I just said its shoddy. For now, it would be better to just use paint guns with real humans acting their roles. But look at the far sight, what if this evolves into something more real? Some time that day will come and we will all agree that it is more efficient than using real human actors.

               You think just looking things in VR and moving ur avatar with control pad is still somewhat lacking? Well this one is called the 'VR treadmill'. As you can see the guy can move around with a virtual gun with Oculus Rift. He can run, jump, crouch, pretty much do anything a character do on that treadmill. The thing will fix him safly on the platform. Although I'm not sure how they can crawl though. Maybe someone clever will find a way.

             OK that's all I've got in today's post. Hope u guys enjoyed this technology. I know some people hate things like smartphones that destroys all the analogue cultures we had with real people, and this is something even more than a smartphone. It's VIRTUAL REALITY!!!
             But we have to admit that it will be a part of dominating culture in the future. Well it is pretty much interesting right?
            Always don't forget the magic 4S Mortals
            Stay Safe and Stay Scientific


Images from Google Image

Information from a book 'Future of Human'
